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We are a neighborhood collective that want to mark empty houses and flats: Their characteristics are that windows and doors are boarded up with cement. So it is a clear sign that they do not want to use that space for nothing for a long time.

There is a spanish web [1] that do this, and uses osm in background. The problem is that the data are licensed on "Public Domain", and we would like to use Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).

Exist an attribute in OSM to mark this? In negative case, It can be created? References?



asked 13 Oct '12, 11:58

amapolas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Oct '12, 12:01

The usual way to mark this in OSM is with disused=yes. From the wiki page

A disused feature is any man-made feature which is no longer used for its intended purpose, but which is still maintained and has repairs made. Reuse may be planned. Disused features are still useful for navigation and are visible in the landscape. Frequently these will be boarded-up buildings; for example, an old disused multi-storey car park.

So this seems to fit your case quite well. Note that in addition to adding this tag, you should change any tags which no longer apply, by prefixing "disused:". For example amenity=pub becomse disused:amenity=pub, because the building in question no longer houses a pub. This is important for software which does not understand the disused tag - otherwise it would see the amenity=pub and list it is a pub.

So in your case you could just add disused=yes to the abandoned buildings. In that case, I don't think it's necessary to change the building=yes (or building=residential etc.) tag - the building is still a building.

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answered 15 Oct '12, 09:10

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

If you look at the railway tag the values abandoned and disused can have different meanings. A building which is empty for only a short time may be abandoned during that time, but not really disused. Of course this depends on the interpretation and should be clarified in the wiki.

(15 Oct '12, 11:58) scai ♦

taginfo reports building=abandoned which you could use for this. There is also building=disused but the meaning seems not very clear to me.

Furthermore the wiki suggests that you can use any tags you like. But note that not every information belongs into OSM's database. For personal purposes better create a separate database and display its content via an overlay on top of a OSM map.

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answered 13 Oct '12, 14:02

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

I don't think building=abandoned or building=disused are good ideas. They are not mentioned in the Wiki, and they are hardly used, as compared to disused=yes.

(15 Oct '12, 09:16) sleske

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question asked: 13 Oct '12, 11:58

question was seen: 3,990 times

last updated: 15 Oct '12, 11:58

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