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I am getting only half of the Bing's satellite image over my town Palakkad, Kerala, India as shown in screenshot below. There is no satellite image for few blocks more on north, east and south side.

  • Is it a bug? or
  • Bing do not have images for that areas? or
  • can we solve it by ourselves? If yes, how?

Partial Bing Imaginary

asked 12 Oct '12, 12:27

ikrshnan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Bing simply does not have high-res coverage in this area. Sorry, you'll have to use plain old GPS and surveying.

permanent link

answered 12 Oct '12, 13:06

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

@vincent-de-phily now I understand it. But is there no alternative for Bing satellite imaginary?

(12 Oct '12, 15:41) ikrshnan

Not that I know of; you'll probably need to map by traditional surveying (you should do a good bit of that anyway !). However :

Bing is adding imagery at a fast rate, so hopefully it'll come to your area st some stage. But it's a huge undertaking and they're prioretising US and Europe for now, so you might be waiting a long time.

The wiki ( mentions other usable data sources, but none look similar to Bing. Maybe try asking on the indian mailing list.

(12 Oct '12, 16:32) Vincent de P... ♦

@vincent-de-phily I have an Android phone. So I can utilize its GPS system for mapping. Vespucci is a good app to add/modify data. And thanks for that wiki page. Let's see if I can find any alternative imagery. :)

(13 Oct '12, 08:31) ikrshnan

I, too, have an Android phone. A Samsung Galaxy GT I9000. I also have a Garmin GPSmap 60CSx. My Android phone is almost completely useless as a mapping device. Yours may be better and I suggest you try it out first so you will know how accurate your device is before you start surveying. So here is a suggestion:

Make two test both of which are made where Bing imagery is available.

See next comment as comment is to long.

(13 Oct '12, 13:56) dcp
  1. In a large town walk down the main street and a few others as well tracking as you go.
  2. Out in the countryside, preferably in hilly and woody terrain do the same.
  3. Compare you tracks with Bing and other downloaded GPX-traces.

You can now judge the accuracy of your GPX-tracks.

If your device is as inaccurate as mine it may be better for you to use for surveying.

(13 Oct '12, 13:59) dcp

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question asked: 12 Oct '12, 12:27

question was seen: 6,093 times

last updated: 13 Oct '12, 13:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum