If I create for example navigation maps from OSM and copyrighted sources (where I have the copyright) - is it possible to protect this final work against re-distribution? Actually http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright states clearly that "if you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence". One side note: But even the OpenStreetMap.org map tiles that build on the OSM database are not distributed under the (exactly) same license - it is CC-BY-SA instead. But I guess those licenses are somehow compatible - but the first sentence is misleading. |
Summary Your final work may be distributed as a "Produced Work", which can remain proprietary. However, where you've built upon the OSM data, you must share any data that you've added. This is the "Derivative Database" behind your produced work. So, for example, let's say OSM only has half the streets for your town. You add the other half, and make a printed map out of it. Example You can sell the printed map and prevent other people from photocopying it - that's no problem. That's your Produced Work. However, you've made this Produced Work from a Derivative Database, i.e. the combination of the OSM streets and the streets you've added. You have to make this available on request, under the terms of the OSM licence. So if someone e-mails you saying "hey, please give me the street data you added", you are obliged to supply it to them. (The only get-out is if the extra data is just "sprinkled on top" and you haven't adapted either OSM's or your data in any way. In that case, it's a Collective Database, and there's no requirement to make the extra data available.) More details You can read the full text of our licence, the Open Database Licence. |
It's always good to read the FAQ :-) I think the answer is: No, the product can be shared under a proprietary license, for example if additional POIs are added that were collected independently from the OpenStreetMap data: |