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i have set up a tile server for Faroe Islands everything is working as expected. except i am getting a strange partial rendering in one area

the problem is that only highway=footway is rendered in this part of the map nothing else, i am missing the buildings and house numbers

i think it is just in this part of the map the problem is, i haven't found the same problem in another part of the map

it should look like this this

insted i get this

asked 09 Oct '12, 18:20

LiFo's gravatar image

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It might be helpful if you could fill in details about which set of instructions you were following, what software and server versions you're using, which data you downloaded and imported and whether you cut it e.g. with osmosis prior to load.

For info I have a tile server, built following these instructions, loaded with Geofabrik Europe data as of the licence change and updated using hourly osc files up to 22nd September. On that, your area looks correct, like this:

picture showing buildings

(09 Oct '12, 21:51) SomeoneElse ♦

I followed the instructions from Switch2Osm. Downloaded this data from Geofabric and imported with osm2pgsql, just simple osm2pgsql faroe_islands.osm.pbf

i reimported also with osm2pgsql, before i restarded renderd i deleted all the metatiles, i can see that the changes i have made are rendered ok, but just not in this area ?

(09 Oct '12, 22:51) LiFo

I have tried on a different VM insance of ubuntu 12.04 with the same data, and then i tried to insert some test osm data and this is the

test data in JOSM alt text

and this is the result

alt text the strange thing is that in other parts of my map the buildings and house numbers are ok. i have tryed to query for the way 44651223 (building above the word test )and it exists in the database

(10 Oct '12, 10:48) LiFo

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question asked: 09 Oct '12, 18:20

question was seen: 2,003 times

last updated: 10 Oct '12, 10:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum