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I want to buy a new GPS device and want one with:

  • A microphone
  • microSD or similar
  • A good GPS quality
  • Not too pricey (max. 120€)

So this website came up with the Columbus V-900. Unfortunately this device has three of the qualities mentioned above but lacks in terms of GPS quality probably because of its metal casing.

I'm from germany so you can answer in german aswell.


Since I noticed the V-900 is currently the only such device, I am now looking for a decent voice recorder with recordings exact to the second.

asked 29 Nov '10, 18:58

REALpr0wl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jan '11, 16:39

As far as I know, OSMtracker is able to log a GPS track and record audio files related to a waypoint that you enter by pressing a button on your position.

To run that app you need a windows mobile device with a GPS receiver and a microphone. Some classic PDA are like this. Or you use the special Andriod version of OSMTracker with any suitable device.

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answered 28 Jan '11, 17:02

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

i have a simular question but it would need to run on an android of other dedicated gps tool which i could mount in my car

se question ;

recording / playback voice and link it to GPS location, is there an app for that ?

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answered 14 Feb '20, 04:12

ronny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Is the Colombus v-900 something I would like to use? Is it continuously registering voice or is hand manip needed Touching the apparatus ?

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answered 14 Feb '20, 07:01

ronny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Some Windows Mobile devices are about 120€

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answered 09 Feb '11, 12:37

Kartograefin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Nov '10, 18:58

question was seen: 6,605 times

last updated: 14 Feb '20, 07:01

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