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I'm really hoping somebody can help me here.

I'd like some OSM maps for my Garmin Oregon that actually contains the trail information - the same trail information I would see on this page.

I'm pretty sure that's just a link to an OSM Map! When I loaded that mentioned previously created map onto my device, it works - but no trails.

Does such a thing exist? Can I get that trail information onto my device? I'm so frustrated as I know the information is out there (for free), but I've been trying for two days without any luck. Can somebody help me? I'd really like the same maps I get on my IPhone through the geocaching Topo map (which I believe are Open Street cycle maps).

Thanks for any help!!

asked 07 Oct '12, 04:22

linzter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0% is what I use to get OSM data, hiking trails in particular, onto my Garmin Montana.

permanent link

answered 07 Oct '12, 15:19

jonathanpatt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Oct '12, 04:22

question was seen: 9,770 times

last updated: 07 Oct '12, 15:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum