I tagged a abandoned motorway link together with a bridge. The road has, as the bridge, been abandoned and has nt been demolished. Its just lying there collecting dust. Keep right keeps marking it as faulty. What to do ? |
I would chhange the highway=motorway_link to highway=abandoned. Also, the oneway-tag is redundant. You can further change the ref to old_ref. But apart from that it looks ok. Does keepright complain, that the highway is not connected to anything else on the map? Then you can ignore this error. |
I would keep it as highway=motorway_link but add disused=yes and perhaps access=no if it's closed. Hi Paul thanks, changing motorway_link made the way praktical invisible. I changed it back again and didnt know disused=yes but added it. Greetz Hendrik
(08 Oct '12, 23:36)
What tags have you added so far? What errors does keepright complain about? Give us a link to your way.
Its a serious question, I cleaning up KR and this wont get out, nodes 1925780852-1925780853 and look at the tags and tell me whats wrong, please ?
Please start providing links to your ways/nodes. If you want others to help you then make helping you as easy as possible.
To make it easier, here is the way and this is the keepright link.
(the easiest way to create links like this on a comment is probably to add an answer and then convert it to a comment)