How to tag contradictory speed limits, on different sections of a way? As it is or not at all? There might be somewhere in between a missing traffic sign and both limits start in different boundaries. Its doubtful. |
Between the junction of Parallelweg and Jaagpad and the motorway there are a bunch of vandalized signs. (At least they were there in 2010 according to my photo archive.) Most likely the build-up area of IJsselstein and thus the 30 km/h zone ends there. IIRC When leaving the build-up area of Nieuwegein from Geinoord to Hooglandse Jaagpad there is a 60 km/h zone sign. So I would tag the Parallelweg west of the motorway with with 30 km/h and the rest with 60 km/h. If the vandalized signs wouldn't be there, I would have made the change at the municipal boundary. On that kind of minor roads the municipalities are responsible for the maxspeed zones (in the Netherlands). Two neighbouring municipalities don't always agree and/or communicate. While there should be signs at such a change ........ Hi Cartinus, thanks for the update. It sounds logic if someone has vandalized the signs. The answer or solution is that IJsselstein westwards should be tagged 30 and the eastbound sections need to be tagged 60 as beiing roads with mixed traffic outside living areas. Thats confirmed by the speedlimit at Geindijk (60). Ill tag it likewise if you agree.
(08 Oct '12, 16:13)
If there is a road in the database, entered as a single way, but the road has different speed-limits along the road, just cut the way and label each section with its own speed limits. Or do you mean the signs on the ground are incorrect? |
What makes the speed limit contradictory?
The road or traject starts at node 354907735 with 30 (IJsselstein), continuse until node 44826299 with a tag 60 (Nieuwegein) and the border is at node 387726031. A survey dosnt show any signs switching or changing the limits. So its contradictionary 30 versus 60. Logic tells me to tag it 60, outside roads with mixed traffic but without signs, theres no ground for that option isnt it ?
Then correct the speed limits to the on the ground information. I still see no contradiction here, just wrong values.
Scai, if a limit starts here at 30 it should nt change without any signs alongside the road and end up with 60. Thats contradictionary ! The limit remains 30 until further notice ! See Cartinus comment, he has an archive.