I'm trying to import some OSM data into my postgis database and can't seem to get it to work. The data is an a US state extract from geofabrik that was further reduced using OSM convert to my study area. I checked out the data in QGIS and it looks good. Below is the error message I receive when run osm2pgsql. I checked the database after running the tool and there is only one table listed "spatial_ref_sys". Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
You need to load the "hstore" extension. How to do this depends on what version of PostgreSQL you're running; it might be as easy as typing Thanks for the reply. I was able to load the hstore extension but then ran into several other problems. I'm working on a windows machince and found the following turorial every helpful in finding a fix for the issues I kept running into. https://github.com/springmeyer/win-osm-workshop/blob/master/Tutorial.md#step-6-configure-the-osm-postgis-database
(08 Oct '12, 15:34)
There is no recent version of osm2pgsql for Windows. You may be better off running a linux VM then trying to get everything working on Windows
(08 Oct '12, 19:47)