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How do I create a 'T' shaped street using Potlatch? The problem I'm having is that it in order to connect two ways they need to have a common end point. But with a 'T' shaped street, one of the ways has a common central point, which doesn't allow me to join them. A similar problem is also with a street that separates into two streets (with an island) then rejoins. For my cases, see: (Crompton Mews) (Mera Road)

asked 28 Nov '10, 23:41

pattym's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


If not with Potlatch, can it be done using JOSM?

(29 Nov '10, 02:28) pattym

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(29 Nov '10, 16:50) stephan75

A way is a single line of nodes. This can not be split like a T or Y. It is not possible in any editor as it is not supported by the OSM database.

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answered 29 Nov '10, 08:50

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

No, it can't be done in JOSM. It is not a matter of an editor, it is a matter of the database.

Just build the 'T' by two lines which share a common point (not two points on the same place). Do the same for your island problem. Use different ways. That way, the two ways can also be tagged seperatly, e.g. with appropriate "oneway".

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answered 29 Nov '10, 14:42

DrScott's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 28 Nov '10, 23:41

question was seen: 5,255 times

last updated: 29 Nov '10, 17:59

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