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i'm making some custom maps with JOSM and piclayer (get the framework form openstreemap and i build more accurate path into that area using a background image(jpg made with autocad) added with piclayer.

Now i would like to save the whole thing as one osm file in order to run it on a local OSM server

but I can't merge both layers (image+osm) on JOSM in order to have both image and osm in one osm file.

Well basically the question is how to use his own background image on OSM?

asked 01 Oct '12, 14:21

jtt33's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Well, using OSM data with a certain backround image is not a matter of OSM itself.

You need a framework like Leaflet or OpenLayers, thus you can publish rendered OSM data on a webbrowser maybe combined with an image.

Have a look at their websites, there are some examples how to use these frameworks for special purposes.

permanent link

answered 01 Oct '12, 16:17

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 01 Oct '12, 14:21

question was seen: 6,764 times

last updated: 01 Oct '12, 16:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum