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In my Android "toolbox" I have OsmAnd and OSM Tracker.

Now I need some Android app (or maybe it is a way to use those 2 apps) which will allow me:

  • to import KML route for off-line usage
  • it will show me where I am in relation to the selected KML route
  • if it supports displaying OSM offline map in the background it would be awesome

So -- how to do with OsmAnd, or what is the app that can do it?

There is a guide about importing KML into OsmAnd but I believe it is no longer correct. It assumes such app OsmAndMapTileCreator which I cannot find (only OsmAndMapCreator). And the latter does not seem to have option for importing KML.

asked 29 Sep '12, 17:23

macias's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Sep '12, 17:25

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answered 29 Sep '12, 18:01

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

I upvoted you, but didn't accept the answer because OruxMaps is far from OsmAnd usefulness, so I pursued another approach. See below.

(20 Oct '12, 11:09) macias

Finally! I found the way :-) Ok, here are the steps how to make the happy marriage of 2 different worlds:

  1. create a route in Google Maps for example
  2. export it to KML
  3. use GpsBabel to convert KML into GPX
  4. use FTPServer to upload GPX into /scard/osmand/track
  5. run OsmAnd
  6. define view / GPX / select your uploaded GPX track

Voila. You will see your track over OSM map.

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answered 20 Oct '12, 11:11

macias's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Sep '12, 17:23

question was seen: 4,995 times

last updated: 20 Oct '12, 11:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum