The Trans-Canada highway is considered a trunk (green) road, and has been marked as such, and shows up correctly at higher zoom levels. When I zoom out, however, it shows as a (blue) motorway. Click Here to see the zoom level that shows the wrong render. If you zoom in a few more levels you will see the correct colouring. Could anyone tell me why this is happening? |
It was changed from motorway to trunk on 22 September, but some tiles have not been re-rendered since 17 September. Eventually the rendering engine will catch up with the contents of the underlying database. You may be able to speed this up by refreshing the display in your browser a few times. Steve |
Steve is correct that over time it will probably catch up, but I sped things up a bit and used the /dirty trick mentioned in the answer to this question. 1
Thanks for your supplemental information, I appreciate the additional information.
(28 Sep '12, 20:31)