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What would be the best way to map two roads separated by a gate that is normally locked? Both roads are ordinary residential roads with unrestricted access, but they are separated by a gate that normally prevents any access (including pedestrian) from either road to the other. Presumably the gate could be opened by the emergency services if necessary. The roads in question are Glenelg and Sunlight Gardens (

asked 26 Sep '12, 19:35

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

For info, this is a similar, though not quite the same, question.

(26 Sep '12, 22:47) SomeoneElse ♦

If anyone wonders** how particular routers manage with a gate like this, here is one that I mapped a while back. This one's got a footway to one side of the gate, so try e.g. car-based routing.

** not that we should "tag for the router" - just offering this as an example.

(26 Sep '12, 22:53) SomeoneElse ♦
(27 Sep '12, 15:33) sleske

That's a very interesting observation by SomeoneElse; some routers respect the barrier, and some do not. The fact that some routers can get it right confirms the received wisdom that we should map what is on the ground and hope that the routers and renderers will soon be able to deal with it.

(30 Sep '12, 10:44) Madryn

I would simply tag the gate with barrier=gate and access=no and no other tags.

The emergency access is just a wild guess on your side. On top of that I wouldn't tag any emergency access modifier on something that is not accessible when the emergency services are in a hurry.

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answered 27 Sep '12, 20:29

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

This seems to be both the majority opinion and the most accurate reflection of the reality on the ground. Presumably somebody can open the gate, but I don't know for sure who that would be, and it certainly isn't the general public.

(30 Sep '12, 10:46) Madryn

Hi Madryn, by using the key gate - and value yes and add refering to the emergency, key emergency - and value yes. You even could add the cases of emergency. Keep mapping Hendrik

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answered 26 Sep '12, 19:58

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


on the node: barrier=gate access=private (someone has a key, I suppose). gate=yes? never heard of that tag.

(26 Sep '12, 21:30) moszkva ter

Access conditions are usually tagged with the access key, in your specific case access=emergency would fit best.

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answered 27 Sep '12, 07:26

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


-1 The established tag is access=no with emergency=yes, not access=emergency. See , under "Transport mode restrictions"

(27 Sep '12, 15:37) sleske

I'm not quite sure whether you are completely right. To me this is somewhat confusing because the emergency=* key is usually used to tag actual emergency objects and not access conditions. Furthermore in my opinion access=emergency falls into the same category as for example access=delivery and therefore should be a valid value for the access key. But if you are strictly following the wiki then you are right.

(27 Sep '12, 17:54) scai ♦

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question asked: 26 Sep '12, 19:35

question was seen: 7,732 times

last updated: 30 Sep '12, 10:46

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