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I'm looking at a road which the map shows as crossing a creek at a ford. In fact, the road is permanently blocked off, so that it is impossible to cross here. Both ends of the road are open, and can be driven up to the creek. But it is not possible to cross the creek. How do I edit the map to reflect that?

asked 25 Sep '12, 03:10

Ned%20Keller's gravatar image

Ned Keller
accept rate: 0%

retagged 28 Sep '12, 19:35

Circeus's gravatar image



Did someone map and cross it in dry season or with some special vehicle or even wade it? If so the tagging should say this.

(25 Sep '12, 12:24) andy mackey

The ford was maintained by the township until a couple of years ago, when it was permanently barricaded.

(25 Sep '12, 12:51) Ned Keller

You need to split the road in three parts, and then remove the middle part. You can only split a way at a node so if the road doesn't have nodes to either side of the creek that you could use as your splitting points, you have to insert these nodes first.

(The JOSM editor has a convenient "delete segment" feature, where you select the trashcan icon at the left and then shift-click on the piece of way that crosses the creek; the way will then automatically split and the middle bit removed provided that there were nodes to either side of the creek. In Potlatch, click the first node then press X to split the way, click the second node and press X again, then click the middle way bit and shift-delete.)

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answered 25 Sep '12, 07:46

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks, I was able to make the update in Potlatch2.

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answered 25 Sep '12, 18:37

Ned%20Keller's gravatar image

Ned Keller
accept rate: 0%

In the Potlatch2 editor,no need to install anything, click edit above map screen.then shift click on the road on one bank then click on scissor icon, repeat for other bank, then click on way between the bank nodes and when only the wet/ford section is highlighted click on the trash-can symbol and it's gone undo and redo are there in case of error. When OK save it, leave note such as ford blocked by barrier.job done. note you won't need to create the bank nodes if they are there already, just highlight and use scissor icon to split the way.Then highlight and trash-can. as before.

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answered 25 Sep '12, 13:53

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 25 Sep '12, 13:59

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question asked: 25 Sep '12, 03:10

question was seen: 6,801 times

last updated: 28 Sep '12, 19:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum