Hi, I am a newbie. I want to add a volunteer centre to a the map but I cannot see how to add a suitable icon. Sorry if I am being thick. Many thanks. Tony |
I've found a few ones through nominatim. The only ones with relevant tags had office=ngo. While this may technically be accurate, I think an amenity key would probably makes most sense. amenity=volunteer_centre seems okay to me. Hi Circeus, thanks for reply. Sadly I am only a learning curve so steep I have fallen off twice already 8-) I am using Potlatch2 to edit and have looked for icons for Office but have found none. Under Amenity there is nothing like NGO or "Misc" etc. Under "Buildings" there is "Building" but that is it. Is "nominatim" some kind of add-on as it seems to be a "search" front end for Openstreetmaps? THanks
(23 Sep '12, 20:32)
I'm going to assume you use Potlatch. the default mode of editing in potlatch is the Simple mode, which offers a limited set comprised of the most common OSM tags. At the bottom of the screen you will see the simple/advanced toggle. Advanced mode lets you manually edit tags that are not available (or even displayed at all) in simple mode.
(23 Sep '12, 20:46)
Hi Circeus, slight problem, I cannot see a simple/advanced toggle. (It says Potlatch P2 when going into edit mode) I am using Firefox 15.0.1 under Linux.
(23 Sep '12, 21:02)
You have to have a "node" (individual point or corner) or "way" (polygon or route between "nodes") selected before you get the simple/advanced toggle. If you want to make a new way or "node" without it being any particular icon just start clicking on the map. Once you have a way selected simple/advanced will be in the bottom left corner.
(23 Sep '12, 22:31)
Hi Tenietz, thanks for reply, I have now found the simple/advanced switch 8-) I have tried to add the Ystradgynlais Volunteer Centre at -3.75790 51.77707 with a plain building icon (I could not find how to add a generic amenity icon if there is such a thing) I want to make sure this is right so if someone would check for me I would much appreciate it. I have also named the library. Thanks
(24 Sep '12, 08:14)