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Hi ,

My name is Soumik Ghosh, I am working in ericsson.

I have downloaded open street map tiles from open street website as png file.

I want to use it for one of my application to display static data in vietnam.

As I understand its a free , can you please provide me the mail confirmation of the legal term?

Appreciate your early reply.

Thanks & regards Soumik Ghosh

asked 23 Sep '12, 16:15

Soumik%20Ghosh's gravatar image

Soumik Ghosh
accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Feb '13, 17:45

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I registered only to ask a similar question. So just to be sure - is it ok to use just some parts of a map,for example, publish them in a magazine, on half a page, for teaching purposes?

Thank you

(24 Sep '12, 19:53) satellite123

The short answer is that using the data is acceptable. That carries the ODbL licence and produced works, such as a render of a map, can be any licence you choose, but you must attribute OSM. You can find more on the legal FAQ here:

Using the map tiles from the OSM website is not quite the same. They too require attribution, but they use the licence CC BY-SA which may, arguably, force you to release all of the document as CC BY-SA. Use the data and render your own map to be sure. See for how to do that.

(24 Sep '12, 20:04) ChrisH

If you want to use the tiles, rather than the data, there is a usage policy:

You are free to use the data and render your own tiles which can then be used freely, subject to the licence: Commercial use, within these terms, is perfectly acceptable.

permanent link

answered 23 Sep '12, 21:28

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 24 Sep '12, 19:16

Yes. That's the idea of OpenStreetMap it's "free" as in zero cost and "free" as in freedom. Feel free to use the static image and remember to give credit to OpenStreetMap as described on

permanent link

answered 23 Sep '12, 18:31

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 23 Sep '12, 16:15

question was seen: 9,158 times

last updated: 22 Feb '13, 17:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum