Hi, I was noticing that OSM doesn't show the correct time of a OSM changeset because the timezone is setted on GMT+0, but in Italy the correct time zone is GMT+1 or GMT+2 during daylight saving time. Is there a way to change the timezone? |
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Hi, I was noticing that OSM doesn't show the correct time of a OSM changeset because the timezone is setted on GMT+0, but in Italy the correct time zone is GMT+1 or GMT+2 during daylight saving time. Is there a way to change the timezone? |
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question asked: 22 Sep '12, 15:02
question was seen: 1,716 times
last updated: 23 Sep '12, 09:10
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
The dates of changesets on the edit page are always displayed in UTC at the moment.