I downloaded OSM data and converted them to shapefiles. I like to symbolize them in ArcMap the same way they are shown in the slippymap. I am looking for a .mxd that I can use for that. The question was already asked before in a different forum (http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/9838/how-to-apply-mapnik-style-for-osm-data-in-arcmap). There somebody suggested a .mxd from ESRI UK. Unfortunately the link is dead. I am also open for different ways. asked 19 Sep '12, 12:29 Wasus |
See this, I'm checking it. https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-osm-editor/blob/master/src/OSMWeb10_1/Mxds/OSMTemplate.mxd regards answered 16 Jun '15, 11:25 ferranferrer |