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How do you tag a skywalk / skyway / sky bridge. This is a bridge connecting two buildings usually covered and for pedestrians only.

For references please read:


asked 24 Nov '10, 23:25

ALE's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 26 Nov '10, 09:11

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦

For substantial structures over narrower spans, like the ones in your link, I'd suggest

building=yes   # or better still: the same as an adjoining building

and be sure to share 2 nodes or more in common with the adjoining buildings on each side. Here's one of the examples from the wikipedia link in OSM: "Bridge of Sighs", Oxford.

For lighter, longer constructions of metal, say - "raised covered pedestrian walkways", "pedways" such as they have in big cities in very cold or very wet places, I would suggest

bridge=yes   # if/where goes over something
covered=yes   # idea stolen from bicycle parking :)

Add in steps leading up to them as necessary, connect to neighbouring buildings at doorway points.

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answered 07 Jan '11, 17:12

Andrew%20Chadwick's gravatar image

Andrew Chadwick
accept rate: 25%


shoudn't it be layer=1, rather?

(04 May '16, 09:53) stephane-gui...

yeah I think this works the best

(27 Aug '18, 19:48) jeff0launch

It should be noted that highway=pedestrian is the wrong tag for one of these walkways, because that tag describes a pedestrianized-street. highway=footway would be more appropriate.

(27 Aug '18, 21:41) alester

FWIW, I'm very new at this, but the way I've seen it done and how I've been doing it is setting with the following:

highway=footway bridge=yes layer=1

I'm not entirely happy with this method, since it doesn't really render as a "building" on the maps.

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answered 25 Nov '10, 02:46

txaggie90's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


In reality it is a building and therefore IMHO it should be tagged as such and not as a highway. Is there no other way to tag a sky bridge?

(27 Nov '10, 22:36) ALE

You could also use building=yes level=1.

(28 Nov '10, 10:10) petschge

I think I may have done such taging for what was a wide corridor suspended between two buildings. and on another one close by, I added them as steps and deferent level tag values to each side [the floors between the two were a matching levelscheme]. The problem is when you try to transition between indoor and outdoor mapping and in larger spaces it can blured to which is which [outside fire escapes and large covered plazas etc]. What is needed is a indoor form of routing line to work like a highway way that isn't a highway because its just space inside part of a building. Tillonecomes we fudge

(05 Aug '14, 18:34) Govanus

If you go the the OSM wiki and search for "skywalk", you find:

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answered 07 Jan '11, 15:00

Kartograefin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Nov '10, 23:25

question was seen: 11,283 times

last updated: 27 Aug '18, 21:41

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