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Does anyone know of any tools for converting (and ideally uploading) OSM data to google app engine/big table?


PS I have fooled around with postgres etc offline but I was looking for an online server.

asked 18 Sep '12, 03:32

jake%20cimirlo's gravatar image

jake cimirlo
accept rate: 0%

I guess the easy answer is OSM -> KML -> datastore. Could it really be that simple?

In case anyone is interested, the project is to do agent based modeling using real world data. I've done the OSM to Netlogo to play around in, got the agents doing A* and TS with multimodal criteria. But Netlogo is slower than the horse you bet your rent on on my computer. So I thought I'd take a stab at online computing using Google or Amazon to host the data (or something else if anyone has any suggestions), python or java (probably python) for the programming and then exporting to Google Earth for the vizualizing. It is probably well beyond my capabilities but my little experience in programming suggests i learn better trying a project than farting around trying to actually learn something.

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions or sources, I would welcome them.

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answered 18 Sep '12, 04:19

jake%20cimirlo's gravatar image

jake cimirlo
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Sep '12, 03:32

question was seen: 4,125 times

last updated: 18 Sep '12, 04:19

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