If you zoom in on the eastern-most part of Guatemala while in Standard map mode, it looks really strange. This is because there are parks with boundaries that apparently extend into the ocean. No idea how to fix this, but if anyone knows how, please do. Thanks! |
It would seem as if the areas in question actually do extend outside of the shoreline/in to the ocean. If this isn't correct (but I suspect it is) you could simply edit the areas to end at the coastline. In any case the boundaries should reflect reality and not simply be changed because one specific rendering of OSM data looks slightly funny. 1
The boundaries are correct. That's not the point. The point is that you can't see the boundaries of the land because they are obscured by the boundaries of the park. It is also misleading as it makes it appear that the land extends much further than it actually does. I imagine there are 2 possible solutions: 1. Make the color overlay for parks translucent 2. Divide the park into two regions - one for the marine portion and one for the land portion (I'm assuming we have some type of overlay for marine parks)
(17 Sep '12, 20:12)
The help site is not the OSM bug reporting site. Please create an issue with https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ Component: mapnik
(17 Sep '12, 21:09)
SimonPoole ♦