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I am having trouble getting a cycleway and road crossing to "work" (ie route) correctly and could use some help. The cycleway crossing is ID: 179618746 at -32.0480027 and 115.8872204 (crossing Apsley Rd, in Willetton, West Australia. I am expecting I should be able to create a route where a bicycle can turn off the (dual carriageway) main road onto the cycleway, but it will not route that way. I have tried a number of things without success, but at present, the cycleway is tagged with: highway=cycleway, foot=designated. The road carriageways are designated: highway=secondary, oneway=yes. The intersecting nodes are designated as highway=crossing.

What am I doing wrong ?


asked 16 Sep '12, 05:36

Ian's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Sep '12, 10:12

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

The mapping looks correct to me. What method are you trying to use to generate the cycle route? I tried initially with but their routing data is from June so doesn't include the recently added cycleway.

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answered 16 Sep '12, 07:30

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

I download the Garmin Routable image files from OSM Australia, then load them into MapSource. The rest of the cycleway I have done (connected to that segment) routes to and from other streets nicely (but this is the only bit of cycleway I've done so far that crosses a road). It won't even route along that short segment (across the road) - let-alone off onto the road. (OSM Australia only updates every few days, so it is a bit of a tedious trial & error process.)

(16 Sep '12, 08:42) Ian

Do you have an example of the construct (dual carriage way to/from a cycleway) working with the OSM AUS Garmin maps?

The issue may be with the conversion OSM -> Garmin which is a bit of a black art and needs some tweaking for satisfactory bicyle routing (are the OSM AUS maps even intended for bicycle use?).

You may want to ask your question on the talk-au list too.

(16 Sep '12, 14:08) SimonPoole ♦

I don't know what the answer is, but the highway=crossing is definitely the problem (I put the tags back in (one per carriageway), then took them out one at a time, and which-ever crossing had the crossing tag, the cycleway would not route through it)

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answered 30 Sep '12, 05:06

steerage250's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%


It would probably be helpful to tag it as highway=crossing and bicycle=yes. This would make clear that you are allowed to cycle across or turn off there.

(30 Sep '12, 21:56) Vclaw

If it is here you can see from this screen shot that the cycle way as un-set cycle tags if you fix this it may work then.alt text

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answered 01 Oct '12, 08:57

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 01 Oct '12, 08:58


Don't pollute the database with superfluous tags like bicycle=yes on a highway=cycleway.

(01 Oct '12, 14:07) cartinus

I don't see where I have put bicycle=yes on a highway=cycleway?? What I have done (in JOSM, and as an experiment for troubleshooting purposes, and on one of the 2 crossing points only) is to designate the node as both a highway=crossing, and a cycleway=crossing (because highway=crossing alone won't route correctly, yet it works fine with no crossing tags on the nodes at all)

In regard to the "un-set" cycle tags - I don't understand that terminology because I don't use PotLatch. In JOSM, the cycleway has tags: highway=cycleway, and foot=designated. Is Potlatch suggesting the path isn't designated as a cycleway (despite what is seen in JOSM)?

(02 Oct '12, 13:00) steerage250

Whether bicycles are routed along cycleways on a Garmin map is controlled by the map "style" - a folder passed as an argument to mkgmap when the map is created.

The latest style file that I've got locally contains the following in the "lines" file that controls how ways are handled:

highway=cycleway {add access = no; add bicycle = yes; add foot = yes} [0x07 road_class=0 road_speed=1 resolution 23]

That means "assume that the bicycle=yes tag is there even if the mapper hasn't added it", so I don't think that the problem is that "bicycle=yes" isn't explicitly tagged, unless OSM Australia uses a really odd mkgmap style.

(02 Oct '12, 13:21) SomeoneElse ♦

Tks SomeoneElse for explanation

(02 Oct '12, 13:56) andy mackey

steerage250 it seems that the missing tagging I thought may be the problem, isn't. sorry

(02 Oct '12, 14:03) andy mackey

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question asked: 16 Sep '12, 05:36

question was seen: 5,434 times

last updated: 02 Oct '12, 14:03

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