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How are large, permanent structures that don't have walls or indoor heating labelled?


Seems to suggest something too permanent whereas


is only for nodes, not areas and


suggests something too impermanent.

I'm thinking of structures such as that in the foreground of this photo;

asked 14 Sep '12, 16:55

Tenietz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In the simple tagging view you can tag it as "building" then in the "Details" tab there is a pulldown option for "Just a roof"

permanent link

answered 14 Sep '12, 18:55

pokey's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For the sake of reference, this is only in Potlach. This has the effect of tagging it as

(15 Sep '12, 14:05) Tenietz

Even if the wiki suggests otherwise you can use amenity=shelter on ways, too. According to taginfo this has already been done 5 726 times which is 15 % for all amenity=shelter objects.

Another way is to use building=shelter which already has been used 855 times. The building tag is completely fine for the structure shown in your picture in my opinion.

permanent link

answered 14 Sep '12, 17:23

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


Wiki page fixed now.

(14 Sep '12, 17:44) Vincent de P... ♦

Thanks for your help - I will use


because not only is it attested 145 289 times in taginfo, but it is in Potlatch so I suppose it is semi-official.

(15 Sep '12, 14:07) Tenietz

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question asked: 14 Sep '12, 16:55

question was seen: 3,967 times

last updated: 15 Sep '12, 14:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum