At the moment, I found a disabled parking tagged
Which to me seems to suggest that the parking is for everybody, and is designed so disabled people can use it, whereas actually, it's for disabled people only. Is there any way of tagging a facility as being only for disabled people? Note - this distinction is useful for other things too. For instance, there are toilets designed for the use of disabled people that anyone can use, and those forbidden for non-disabled people? |
I am tempted to suggest capacity:disabled=only which taginfo suggests already occurs once somewhere on the planet. If the actual capacity were known, e.g. 5, then capacity=5 capacity:disabled=5 would mean there are 5 spaces all for disabled parking which might be another option. There are also 499 uses of disabled=yes, so perhaps access=no, disabled=yes might be a third alternative. I am for tge second suggestion.
(05 Aug '18, 04:45)