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Recently Murray County, Oklahoma went to a E911 system. As a result of this most of the County roads were renamed. I would provide shapefiles of the new roads to someone willing to update the Murray County roads to the new names.

asked 23 Nov '10, 19:42

RoyR's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 30 Nov '10, 11:50

katpatuka's gravatar image


As long as it is "public domain" or compatible with the OSM licenses at , and ...just publish the files somewhere.

When data goes into OpenStreetMap, it goes out again to many people who are re-using the data, so there's really no difference between "giving the data to OpenStreetMap" and "publishing the data publicly". You want to give the data to whoever is interested in the OpenStreetMap community? Easiest way to do that?... publish it!

Then the challenge is just to get it noticed by people who would be interested/capable of using it. Fire a message (with a URL) to the talk-us mailing list, and place a link on the 'Oklahoma' wiki page. ....oh wait. Nobody created the 'Oklahoma' wiki page yet (red link). Sort it out OSM U.S. folk!

permanent link

answered 25 Nov '10, 12:31

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

The Wiki is most useful to coordinate work between multiple mappers. If OK is anything like my state, there are zero or single mappers covering large areas - therefore the Wiki has no use, particularly if there is no reason to create state mapping conventions that differ from national conventions.

(26 Nov '10, 11:57) Mike N

There's some information about creating these kinds of pages here (mostly written by me) In the UK and Germany there's been people taking it too far, and creating wiki pages about every little town, with mapping status information which just goes out of date, but this is a state we're talking about. "zero or single mappers" well that's a problem, and it's a problem we can start to try to tackle. One simple step: create a wiki page to welcome people living in Oklahoma to join in the mapping efforts.

(01 Dec '10, 11:44) Harry Wood

As long as it is "public domain" or compatible with the OSM licenses at , and , contact me at niceman (at)

permanent link

answered 25 Nov '10, 12:06

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 23 Nov '10, 19:42

question was seen: 5,924 times

last updated: 01 Dec '10, 11:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum