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Hi all. I'm drawing the ski resort guesthouses in Are, Sweden here is the link to the area: . Theese houses look like this and are for rent during the ski season, so I believe tourism=chalet is a suitable tab for them. However, chalet are rendered without house numbers on OSM, which makes it harder to navigate in the resort using the map. Is there a way to leave chalet tag and still have house numbers visible (like house in the first link)?

asked 14 Sep '12, 08:34

gaga666's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You should not remove a tag like "tourism=chalet" just because you have a rendering issue. What you can do is:

  1. submit a ticket on the trac system to change the rendering rules on Mapnik for your case. But this would fix it for one renderer, not for all. (BTW, your issue is maybe nonexistent on other maps)
  2. or use an alternative tagging method. I tried to put the address on a node on the facade instead of the building itself here. This is a very usual method of tagging addresses in major cities and is supported by applications like Nominatim. You can even improve it by moving the node to the entrance and add the "entrance" tag. The result works fine with the highest zoom only but is better than nothing.
permanent link

answered 14 Sep '12, 10:41

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 14 Sep '12, 11:06

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Ok, the method with additional node seems to work, but again only on maximum zoom level. I will probably create ticket in trac.

(14 Sep '12, 11:16) gaga666

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question asked: 14 Sep '12, 08:34

question was seen: 3,037 times

last updated: 14 Sep '12, 11:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum