Like a ruler in graphical editor. |
Have a look at OpenStreetBrowser ... there you can aktivate a grid layer for lat/lon or see the map display of ... it also shows the values where the mousepointer is. (Be aware that the rendered tiles of these two services and maybe others are not so recent like the main demo map on Thank you exactly what I need. ( OpenStreetBrowser )
(17 Sep '12, 06:42)
How to activate a grid layer in ? Not possible anymore? says not available anymore...
(19 Jul '18, 02:51)
I also cannot see any grid option in OpenStreetBrowser. If you want to use Google Maps then Map Maker has a grid lattice that changes with zoom.
(15 Mar '21, 17:40)
As SomeoneElse suggested, you can use the mouse position. It can be displayed with OpenLayers, like on osmose (bottom-right corner). |
If you want to work on an image for printing the map with such a grid, maybe you may try to use a GIS tool like QGIS or marble (easier). Otherwise, you will need to print this grid in the map tiles/image. For that, you can use mapnik and modify the style or try maperitive. it is not for printing, it is for visual searching the point by meridian and latitude.
(14 Sep '12, 09:49)
thanks a lot
(14 Sep '12, 11:15)
If you're asking about seeing lat/long while editing, then in Potlatch2 going into "options" and set "show mouse latitude / longitude". In Potlatch2, when I choose "show mouse latitude / longitude" in "options", I only see the longitude.Actually,the box shows two lines. The top line contains only a minus sign, and the bottom line contains, for example, 122.333947. Perhaps because my longitude is a three-digit number, plus minus sign, is too wide for the display box? If so, it would be a nice update to widen the box a bit so I can see the latitude, as well as the longitude. BTW, is this the correct forum to post bug reports? I could find no other... Or is there a specific Potlatch2 forum. I'd be happy to post my issue there, if so. Thanks
(24 Sep '12, 07:40)
Yes - that sounds like a bug. Potlatch2 bugs can be logged in trac (that link's a list of the current Potlatch2 ones). Login with your normal OSM login there, check someone hasn't already reported it and create a new ticket there. There is also a mailing list, and new bug reports get posted there too.
(24 Sep '12, 09:21)
SomeoneElse ♦
What do you mean for "graphical editor"? Potlach, josm, merkaartor, …?
I mean able to see the grid of meridians and latitudes on the map and the ability to set the step grid.