I am working on a project where I have to divide mine country suriname in its 62 ressorts wich are in 10 districts and than devide those resorts in areas where you have abouth 700 vothers living .....mine problem is how can I cut out Suriname out of the whole wold map and work only in the map of Suriname where I can add new streats and do my work .....can some one please help me and please sent an answer to mine email adress zoekoepaki@hotmail.com thanx for the help |
If you want to work on a bigger area and add streets and other objects it might be better to load smaller areas in an offline editor like JOSM or Merkaartor and upload it right after work is done. Because someone other might have edited also data in your area and does an upload, then there can occure conflicts in the data structure. |