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I am new to OpenStreetmap.... I was looking for something like ... I would like to install it on my local WAMP server, is it possible?. Or is there any alternative solution ....

asked 13 Sep '12, 09:59

Rajmohan111's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, it is possible. But now, it depends of what do you want exactly.

  • If you want to integrate a search box for navigating on OpenStreetMap tiles, you only need to deploy the html/javascript page on your server (Ok for a WAMP)
  • If you want to have your own instance of nominatim (for heavy usage or better service and customization), you may read this documentation. It will thus be easier to install this server on a linux system, but you can keep your WAMP for the web frontend.
permanent link

answered 13 Sep '12, 10:23

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 13 Sep '12, 10:27

Nicolas , thank you for reply . yes I want the search box for navigation...that is what I am looking for.

(13 Sep '12, 10:34) Rajmohan111

Ok. You will need a proxy for preventing cross-domain XHR restrictions, look at mine for example (you can find one in php I think). Then you will need some javascript for sending the query and move the map to the resulting location. Again, you can look at mine for example (line 412).

(13 Sep '12, 10:52) NicolasDumoulin

Nicholas thank you for the code....right now I am trying to work this with php proxy....I am not much familiar with php proxy concept...:( ...will contact you soon.

(13 Sep '12, 12:31) Rajmohan111

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question asked: 13 Sep '12, 09:59

question was seen: 11,812 times

last updated: 13 Sep '12, 12:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum