The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by sleske 13 Sep '12, 12:58
You should wait at least a couple of hours for the database to refresh itself and update it's contents. See this previous question and detailed answer. answered 12 Sep '12, 22:39 JCsM SomeoneElse ♦ 3
And in addition to JCsM's answer also double check that you have renamed all segments of the street.
(12 Sep '12, 22:48)
On investigation the street in question appears to be this one, it doesn't have multiple segments and just hadn't been rendered yet. I dirtied one of the tiles and that tile now displays OK.
(13 Sep '12, 00:08)
SomeoneElse ♦
It would help us to help you if you included the "permalink" (the link at the bottom right-hand corner of the map) in your question. Then we'd know which street wasn't appearing properly.
Closed as duplicate of How often does the main (mapnik) map get updated