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I've got a very large set of data here - a list of over 2000 cycle stands in London. I've checked some of them, and they seem to be fairly accurate, but some of them are a little off (a few feet away from the actual stands), and I'm not sure if they're all correct without going over the whole set by hand. I also haven't checked how many of them are already included on the OSM, because I haven't converted it into the right format yet - but there's not much point if the accuracy isn't good enough. Do you have any advice on what I should do to validate the information before putting it up?

asked 12 Sep '12, 15:07

PeterGribble's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Before doing a bigger import of data via a bulk upload, you should check and the mentioned guidelines there.

(12 Sep '12, 16:29) stephan75

You don't mention where the data comes from. Are you sure the data is acceptable to use in OSM? This is very important.

(12 Sep '12, 21:11) ChrisH

The bigger question is whether there is an equivalent stand already in OSM. If it's slightly off in terms of accuracy, that shouldn't be a problem, and will be fixed at a later stage by anyone else resurveying the area.

One option may be to use the Snapshot Server tool, which is used by the England cycling data project. This gives a manual process to import them, however as each of them are imported, people can check to see the surrounding area to see if there is already one nearby, and if it needs a closer survey.

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answered 12 Sep '12, 15:12

smsm1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Sep '12, 16:05


Yeah, I'd figured as much - is there an easy way to check that? I guess I can extract a list of the stands already on file, then do a comparison between the two to find any that are close to each other, but it's going to be a big and very crunchy task. Is there anything more straightforward I could try?

(12 Sep '12, 15:58) PeterGribble

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question asked: 12 Sep '12, 15:07

question was seen: 4,311 times

last updated: 12 Sep '12, 21:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum