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In my nominatim database I have imported first time the netherlands.pbf and then updated the database with belgium.osm, luxembourg.osm and a part of germany (using the boundary box option, which included all the regions from Netherlands at the border with Germany and a little bit of Germany near Netherlands). And then re-index the data.

Does anybody know why in nominatim web search after: [50.822684,5.680662] the result is: Maarendal - nieuwe groeve, Mergelweg, Maastricht, Province of Limburg, Netherlands, 6213, The Netherlands (Cave Entrance) and in my local site after the same coordinates, the result is: Maarendal - nieuwe groeve, Mergelweg, Maastricht, 6213, The Netherlands (Cave Entrance) ? Is missing Province of Limburg, Netherlands?

asked 11 Sep '12, 15:31

RoxanaO's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Using directly the nominatim online site, we can see the detailed report about your coordinates here:

The missing "province of Limburg" is reported in Nominatim by the relation id 47793. You should check that your database contains this relation. I strongly suspect that the country extracts you are using do not have this administrative boundary in which case the relation is missing in your database, explaining your difference. This is because extractors like Geofabrik use clipboards that do not follow exactly the countries borders. You should download a larger extract like Europe and clip your regions yourself into a single planet extract using Osmosis for instance.

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answered 11 Sep '12, 16:57

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


I have this relation - 47793 (administrative boundary) in my database. The problem is that for Maastricht I have the parent_place_id 0.

(12 Sep '12, 07:59) RoxanaO

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question asked: 11 Sep '12, 15:31

question was seen: 8,204 times

last updated: 12 Sep '12, 07:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum