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I would like to download the map of the Caribbean onto my Garmin HandHeld eTrex Legend GPS. I connected my GPS, with a blank 2gb micro card inserted, but was out of my depth immediately with the first instruction: "Unzip the map file that you downloaded from this site. You will have a file called gpapsupp.img". Firstly I was unaware I had downloaded a file, secondly I have not got a clue where to look for the zip file. I wish people would stop assuming that we are all computer wizards. Can someone please enlighten me. Thank you

asked 11 Sep '12, 08:26

gpsresu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Could you include a link about which maps you're installing? There are lots of possibilities (see here). Probably the easiest to use general maps are available from here.

(11 Sep '12, 09:15) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 11 Sep '12, 08:26

question was seen: 1,187 times

last updated: 11 Sep '12, 19:51

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