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I got 2 questions regarding a railway track. Whats the level of a railwayplatform thats alongside 2 bridges marked level 1, both are lying over a road and water. I would like to ad some but its not possible, shouldnt that be ? And the stairway to reach the platform, no extra level needed ? Look at Greetz Hendrik

asked 09 Sep '12, 12:43

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

It is complete correctly tagged.

The platforms and the part of the tracks that are above other features (the street and the river) have a layer 1, because they are relatively over these features.

The stairway and the rest of the tracks don't need a layer tag because they are not relatively over something else.

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answered 10 Sep '12, 08:38

Roland%20Olbricht's gravatar image

Roland Olbricht
accept rate: 36%


Hi Olbricht, thanks, Sorry I didnt look at the advanced options. The tracks and the platform are lying side by side on the embankment next to the bridges. Shouldnt the platform beiing cut like a road and a bridge then ? So it gets tag none beside the track tagged none ? Even a little farther theres a track 1 with a platform tagged 2 ? Im new so the system keeps surprising me.

(11 Sep '12, 11:03) Hendrikklaas

No, not necessary. These are two different stories: Do you perceive the platform over the street and water as a different object than the rest of the platform, i.e. is it visibly a bridge? Then make it a distinct object. If the platform is rather an uniform object, then it can happily stay a single object.

The other is about the layer tags: they help to stack the objects (e.g. on a map) in a proper relative order. As there is nothing above the platform or a part of it, it may have an arbitrarily high label number. So "1" or "2" doesn't matter as long as all objects below have "0" or less.

(12 Sep '12, 08:37) Roland Olbricht

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question asked: 09 Sep '12, 12:43

question was seen: 5,061 times

last updated: 12 Sep '12, 08:37

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