Currently, in the map of Houston, TX, the light rail is mapped as a light rail line. It does not reflect Main St, which is a divided city street, with the rail line in the middle. Should both sides of Main St. be drawn as separate roads on each side of the rail line? Or is this something that can be solved by creative tagging? Bonus points for figuring out how to handle sections of the light rail where automobile traffic is allowed in the rail lane. |
Thanks for the replies. I went ahead and drew both sides of the road as separate segments and fixed all of the locations where the roads were blocked off since the Tiger data was created. Once I get back to Houston, I'll finish the northern half after I do the recon on the roads. I was lucky I remembered the streets closer to my house. |
This is where your aerial photography comes into play. Tag the centerlines of Main as one-way streets, and do the same for the light rail tracks. Portland, Oregon's "Metropolitan Area Express" is a good example. |