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I would like to export road/higway/way data for a large region. the end product im trying to get is a vector file or all the streets, roads and ways of london.

the problem so far has been that the osm maps have to many nodes to be exported. openmade, which lets you customize the map style, to my knowledge, doesnt let you download maps with the visible data.

asked 23 Nov '10, 02:16

smombartz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

i've tried installing OSM and im getting a java error. its quite frustrating. im happy to pay someone to get the street data (paths, ways, roads) of a few major cities (london, paris, new york, cairo, shanghai, tokyo, istanbul, edinburgh, buenos aires, valetta, rome) or help me figure out OSM. (its for a screen printed poster series)

million thanks again, Sascha

(11 Dec '10, 00:28) smombartz

Download a suitable subset of OSM data from the web (e.g. the England extract from Geofabrik), then run Osmosis to cut out your region of interest from that.

A possible Osmosis command line to cut out the M25 rectangle from the England extract is:

osmosis --read-pbf england.osm.pbf --bb left=-0.55 right=0.29 top=51.72 bottom=51.25 clipIncompleteEntities=true --write-xml london-m25.osm
  • but do read up on the various possible modifiers to the --bb action on the Osmosis wiki page and select those that match your application best.

You can also throw in the --way-key and/or --used-node filters to reduce the extract to highway data only.

permanent link

answered 23 Nov '10, 07:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 23 Nov '10, 07:17

great, thanks! ill give that a try.

(26 Nov '10, 20:25) smombartz

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question asked: 23 Nov '10, 02:16

question was seen: 10,494 times

last updated: 04 Jun '16, 09:55

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