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Oxfordshire County Council, UK, is listed as a contributor to OSM, giving permission to use its Definitive Statements on rights of way. On the Oxfordshire website, the data appears to be in vector format (you can highlight sections of ways). However, these rights of way have not in general been added to OSM.

Is it intended to import the rights of way from Oxfordshire County Council, or is the Council's contribution limited to allowing us to check a way's location and status? I don't want to waste time adding ways one by one if they will be imported wholesale later.

asked 07 Sep '12, 11:03

jchm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We do not have permission to copy the vector data. We only have permission to use the County Council IP contained in the Definitive Statement, not the Ordnance Survey-derived IP in the Definitive Map.

Even if it were permitted, data imports are frowned on in the UK OSM community. At the very least you would need to discuss such a planned import in the relevant UK mailing lists (talk-gb and talk-gb-oxoncotswolds) and I suspect there would be a lot of opposition.

Do add the footpaths manually, and enjoy it!

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answered 07 Sep '12, 16:49

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 07 Sep '12, 17:00

Even if rights-of-way information was imported wholesale from Oxfordshire County Council, it wouldn't be a "waste of time" to go and survey them individually and add the details to OSM.

The council probably has details such as "Public Footpath XYZ starts from point A, crosses field to point B, then turns left and goes to point C".

What tends to get added to OSM also includes:

  • Gates and stiles
  • Surface information
  • Surrounding woodland
  • Land use (e.g. farmland, residential)

Just simply knowing that there's a public footpath that goes from A to B isn't much use if your back is knackered and you want to avoid stiles, or if it's been raining and you want to avoid mud.

Where the council's Definitive Statement may be useful is where there may be inconsistent or missing signage on the ground (like here) and in highlighting paths in OSM that no-one's surveyed yet.

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answered 07 Sep '12, 15:19

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for your answer, which makes useful points, but it doesn't answer my question: Will the definitive rights of way be imported from local councils?

It would be very useful if such data was imported, as it would give map users information about legal rights of way.

It would also, as you say, show paths in OSM that no-one has surveyed yet. There are a lot of those round where I live (OX12 0). Importing the data would allow us to concentrate on adding details like those you mention, instead of putting in routes that are already surveyed and available in vector format.

(07 Sep '12, 16:42) jchm

There isn't a central "authority" that decides whether or not to import data. If it were to get done, it would be done by an ordinary mapper or a group of mappers. As Richard says, they'd have to discuss it with the community first (see these guidelines), and there would have to be a general agreement to import the data.

It's fairly straightforward to display multiple data layers on one map, so if you wanted to create a map that overlaid some data from Ox CC on top of an OSM map that's certainly possible without an import, and it's also possible to load custom background layers into the popular OSM editors.

(07 Sep '12, 17:04) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 07 Sep '12, 11:03

question was seen: 3,851 times

last updated: 07 Sep '12, 17:04

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