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I am trying to add a new node to an existing way (footbridge) using Potlatch. I have followed the instructions: select the way, then shift+click where I want to add the node. No matter how many times I try, this doesn't work. I've even tried creating a new way and then adding a node, with no luck (I haven't saved any of this, of course!). I've tried in both Potlatch 1.4 and the beta of Potlatch 2. I'm on a Mac and have tried with both Camino 2.1a1pre and Safari 5.0.2. My Flash plugin is at version Has anyone else run into this problem? Any suggestions? Any further useful information I can provide?


asked 22 Nov '10, 20:23

Jolin%20Warren's gravatar image

Jolin Warren
accept rate: 0%

It works for me on Safari 5.0 on a Mac and exactly the same version of Flash - that's what I use to develop and test Potlatch, in fact. Do you have any other weird plugins installed?

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answered 23 Nov '10, 19:30

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Works for me with e.g. Chromium under WinXP, so maybe this is a Mac specific problem.

Maybe you can find some Apple users in the OSM wiki and ask them whether they can reproduce this.

If so, you can open a new bug ticket at for the component "Potlatch".

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answered 23 Nov '10, 16:23

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Hmm, it's now working for me (I haven't changed anything, just tried again). Very strange, as before posting here I did try quitting and reloading my browser amongst various other things. So I'm not sure why a day ago it didn't work and now it does. In any case, many thanks for the replies and sorry for any wasted time.

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answered 24 Nov '10, 11:02

Jolin%20Warren's gravatar image

Jolin Warren
accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Nov '10, 11:04

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question asked: 22 Nov '10, 20:23

question was seen: 6,920 times

last updated: 24 Nov '10, 11:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum