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I'm new to work with OSM on my Garmin Streetpilot I3 due to a trip to Florida. This map installed easily but I noticed (when I installed a Europe map) I don't hear Turn by Turn Voice commands like my Garmin always does. Is this not possible with OSM or do I have to download additional files to get this active? I'm completely lost here. Already tried to install Navigator11 Free but that doesn't seem to install on a Garmin. Also have the North America Navigator files on a SD Card but also this is not working at all. So to be honest I am completely lost here, at least OSM let me using the Florida map in my Garmin but it it still not fully complete, so may I scream H E L P? :)

asked 06 Sep '12, 21:52

Streetpilot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are lots of OSM maps for Garmins available for lots of different places - where did you get yours from? Some support routing, some don't; some support some features and not others.

For what it's worth, the OSM maps that I create for my Garmin Nuvi do support turn-by-turn voice navigation. I've never tried a Streetpilot though.

(06 Sep '12, 22:16) SomeoneElse ♦

I downloaded the Florida map from Since you only have the gmappsup.img file in your Garmin map I wonder if it doesn't need the voice map like on the original (Benelux) SD card? I copied this also to the sd card with the OSM map but don't have the idea it works. So please tell me if I need additional files or map on to the sd card or I should just be lucky? Thanks sor far!

(06 Sep '12, 22:32) Streetpilot

FWIW, I've got the same behavior on a Garmin Dezl 560. Wondering if this is due to the alternate OSM maps, but I just tried removing them and zaping the machine, apparently no change...

(20 Oct '12, 19:34) Herve5

Just back from my trip to Florida and all worked fine. Got the turn by turn voice navigation as a default. I only copied the voice file that came from the original sc card, which was included with the garmin, to the other sd card. No idea if it should have worked without it.

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answered 21 Oct '12, 10:04

Streetpilot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 06 Sep '12, 21:52

question was seen: 5,979 times

last updated: 21 Oct '12, 10:04

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