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I want to maintain an extract for Nepal and as such I have nepal.poly and I also have nepal.osm from asia.osm (source:geofabrik)

I however also want to maintain a weekly / daily changeset just for nepal.osm. With this I want to eventually track the number of active users in the country, the type of changes happening, progress updates of certain monitored users, etc chronologically.

Is it possible to generate this changeset? How would I get about this?

asked 06 Sep '12, 14:25

bibstha's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I use openstreet.exe published by to compare Geofabrik changes for a particulat area on a daily basis. Brgds

permanent link

answered 08 Sep '12, 17:20

wilda69's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

I use openstreet.exe published by to compare Geofabrik changes for a particulat area on a daily basis. Brgds

permanent link

answered 08 Sep '12, 17:20

wilda69's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

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question asked: 06 Sep '12, 14:25

question was seen: 3,581 times

last updated: 08 Sep '12, 17:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum