Hi! Is there any possibility to have an overview during the import of an osm file (./utils/update.php --import-file germany.osm)? Which regions/nodes/relations are imported? What I want to do: to import only some regions from germany, which are near the border with the Netherlands. But I do not what to import every regions one after another (like bavaria.osm), because I know that are available to download like this. I have to use the hole germany.osm and from this file, during the import, to choose which regions I need and which not. Thank you! |
I found the solution. Using the JOSM program, I selected the needed bounding box (which included the wanted regions), got the minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat. With this in update.php I added to the command from line 226: --bbox minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat Ex: And then use the command: |