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Basically, I would like to load the OSM data and render tiles directly from the source data using Java. I imagine there are a lot of steps in between. However, I'm just looking for some direction to get me started. Some examples would be nice, if available. Otherwise, specifics on what tools and frameworks are needed. So far, I've figured I need the following tools and frameworks to get stareted:

I'm aware i could manually build a local map server. However, that just seems a bit overkill for what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm not serving a huge network of users, only the local application. I haven't been able to find much out there, previous examples, for implementing such. Any info is greatly appreciated.

Update 9-6-12

Can you provide more details on your use-case and requirements?

Some, I've been using JOSM for some time now. I've created a 2D Scenegraph overlay for rendering 2d objects over the map. The're are three things we are looking to accomplish:

  • Have tiles load faster
  • Make tiles available offline for demo and local rendering purposes.
  • Keep a small footprint

What operating system are you using?

Windows 7 and Mac OS X

Why Java?

The customized version of JOSM has to integrate with other tools and frameworks we've written in Java. What I'd eventually like to do is extend JOSM TileSource interface and provide a source which allows JOSM to load from local data. Either directly from a database or binary source.

Are you planning to integrate rendering and/or viewing into an existing Java application?

Yes, a flight simulator. The component we use JOSM for allows customers an independent view of airport layouts with runway makers and sensor markers. It's for evaluating airport layouts before loading them into our 3D renderer. Kindof like a preview for missions prior to game-play.

What kind of (standalone or client/server)?

Standalone and client-mode.

asked 05 Sep '12, 16:40

jhuntley's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Sep '12, 15:35

Can you provide more details on your use-case and requirements? That would help narrowing down possible solutions: What operating system are you using? Why Java? Are you planning to integrate rendering and/or viewing into an existing Java application? What kind of (standalone or client/server)?

(06 Sep '12, 08:06) ikonor

About Java usage I can only hint at

(06 Sep '12, 21:02) stephan75

You can also have a look at Tilemill.

There are tutorials and howtos about using it on their website, too.

EDIT: or even Tirex

and you already know switch2OSM?

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answered 05 Sep '12, 17:15

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 06 Sep '12, 06:03

If "Java" is not a high priority requirement, you may have a look at Maperitive, which is a desktop application for rendering maps. It has a specialized language (kind of DSL) for the rendering rules and a scripting language to control the rendering process.

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answered 05 Sep '12, 22:20

mmehl's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

As you have already integrated JOSM, would it be an option to directly render in JOSM using a MapCSS style? There also seems to be a PBF Plugin.

To avoid loading large files at once, OSM2World uses Mapsplit to generate vector tiles.

The mapnik-jni seems not to work on Windows.

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answered 06 Sep '12, 23:12

ikonor's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 05 Sep '12, 16:40

question was seen: 24,780 times

last updated: 06 Sep '12, 23:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum