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Im curious if someone is able to explain why a tower (man_made) is named tower instead of building - tower, I dont know any tower (building) thats not made by man ? Wouldnt it be better or logic to start at the beginning, a tower is a building regardless the materials. And ad the use and materials in the values and tags, or has this been debated before. Then Ive mist that one, but since Im new Id still like to read about it. Greetz Hendrik

asked 05 Sep '12, 11:26

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Generally man_made=tower is used on points, and building=* is used on areas.

I wouldn't worry about the key part in the key=value tagging structure too much, as the tagging structure has evolved over time. In my opinion it is what the combination represents that is most important rather than the actual values that are used.

There is nothing to stop you using both man_made=tower and building=tower on whatever node or area you create when mapping towers, or you could draw a building area for a building at the base and add a node to represent the position of the tower on that building, or various other combinations. Be aware that not all different renderings of the database will show both (or even either) of the items (which can be true of anything in the database).

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answered 05 Sep '12, 11:38

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


There's also the case of all the communication masts that are arguably towers but not buildings. I expect to be able to walk into a building, but not necessarily into a tower.

(05 Sep '12, 12:24) Vincent de P... ♦

Thanks guys, so I can point a com tower and build any other. Although I ve seen the highest towers of there time in Paris and Toronto, they dont look the same but you can walk into them and both are tagged as attraktion, Eiffel in black and CN in pink.

(05 Sep '12, 16:15) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 05 Sep '12, 11:26

question was seen: 3,730 times

last updated: 05 Sep '12, 16:15

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