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I have a hiking route that I want to add a tag "name" for. The route is consisting of several ways which are gathered together in a relation. Where should I add the "name" tag? To each of the different ways, or to the relation itself.

In order to display a name along the route, Mapnik and Osmarender require each of the ways to have the "name" tag. If I add name only to the relation it is not rendered. However something tells that tagging is not correct, because it is not right to name a way. It is not a street, but a field track or path. It does not have a specific naming and doesn't seem right to name it after one of the many targets you can reach via that way. Also it is hard to add name for all of the relation ways (they can be many) - the right thing seem to be adding name to the relation itself.

What do you think is the correct naming here?

Just for information, this is the relation I'm talking about:

asked 21 Nov '10, 17:39

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

If the name only applies to the whole hiking route, then set the name tag on the relation connection the ways that form the different ways.

Don't worry that mapnik and osmarender don't render the name of the hiking route. A map dedicated on hiking or a navigation device will still pick it up. Changing the tagging just to make it render on a particular map rendering is called "tagging for the renderer" and is frowned upon. Keep in mind that the mapnik rendering can't render all information and cater to all audiences because it would get so crowded that it's useless for everybody.

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answered 21 Nov '10, 18:04

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 21 Nov '10, 17:39

question was seen: 6,357 times

last updated: 21 Nov '10, 18:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum