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How to tag / level a road or railway line on top of an embankment. My guess is 0, only when its crossing another lower road or railway line it gets on top of a viaduct level 1. Or should the whole line being tagged level 1 as long as its stays up the embankment ? As some mappers did tag the embankment with a railline already 1.

asked 31 Aug '12, 21:29

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

As explained as an answer to your question "Why are layers numbered -1 and 1 and is there no other variation?", layers are relative to other features. So yes, your guess is correct - the only place where the railway needs a layer=1 is where it crosses above another element on a bridge/viaduct (e.g. road or railway line).

(I'm assuming here that you meant layer, not level. level is used for floors within a building and would be completely out of place for an railway line on top of an embankment.)

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answered 31 Aug '12, 22:58

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

But what about the tag embankment voor roads on a dike ? I just got the message use embankment for een lifted road 1, and cutting for a digged in one -1. So I doubted how to proceed.

(01 Sep '12, 00:20) Hendrikklaas

You "just got the message"? Where? From whom?

(01 Sep '12, 10:40) scai ♦

I believe that the author of the question is from the Netherlands, which is extremely flat - so it may be there that mappers do tend to map the clearly-defined ground level as layer 0 and everything else relative to that.

Those of us in the hilly parts of the world don't have that luxury - hence the correct answer "layers are relative to other features".

(01 Sep '12, 11:22) SomeoneElse ♦

If you look at the comments at the answer to your question "How to tag a road (digged in) under a road that has been lifted ?" and pay attention to which comments are vote up and which are not, then there is no need for any confusion.

(01 Sep '12, 15:43) cartinus

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question asked: 31 Aug '12, 21:29

question was seen: 5,177 times

last updated: 01 Sep '12, 15:43

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