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The OSM Inspector tells me that I accidentally created a way containing a single node - see Obviously I would like to delete the way with its single node, so I accepted the OSM Inspector's offer to edit it in Potlatch 2 (the editor that I normally use). I zoomed in as far as Potlatch would allow, and in the middle of the image there was a way that is not the one found by the Inspector, and that I do not want to delete. There is no sign of the offending node or way. Can anyone help me to find them?

asked 29 Aug '12, 20:16

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

That node is visible in JOSM.

Maybe a Potlatch bug because I can't see it either in P1 nor P2. Have you check on trac is a ticket already existed about this ?

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answered 29 Aug '12, 20:35

cquest's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Thanks for that observation. I have deleted the offending node and way using JOSM (but I still prefer Potlatch!). I tried some experiments creating single-node ways in Potlatch, and it does sometimes seem to get a bit confused. There is a trac ticket (4378) relating to single-node ways in Potlatch, so I think I should wait before logging an issue of my own. Someone is clearly investigating that part of Potlatch.

(29 Aug '12, 22:50) Madryn

You can confirm that the probem is still there ;)

(29 Aug '12, 22:51) cquest

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question asked: 29 Aug '12, 20:16

question was seen: 3,227 times

last updated: 29 Aug '12, 22:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum