Bonjour, Je voudrais faire le mappage, la cartographie des zones inondées à Touba, au SENEGAL.Quelles sont les outils que je pourrais utiliser? Hello, I would like to do the mapping for the flooded areas of the city of Touba in SENEGAL, West Africa. I would like to know wich tools to use? Best regards, Ibra Sylla MSc IT Tel: 00221 70 651 33 34 Tel: 00221 77 161 38 76 Email: |
Bonjour, jetez un œuil à cette précédente question qui vous donnera quelques premiers éléments. Voir aussi les étiquettes flood_prone et floodplain. Hi, take a look at this previous question, that will give you some first hints. See also the tags flood_prone and floodplain. |
Je commencerais par la lecture de cette page sur le wiki OSM. Je me renseignerais aussi sur l "équipe humanitaire OpenStreetMap" ici. (I'd start by reading this page in the OSM wiki. I'd also have a read about the "Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team" here) |
I have to say that i have never done mapping before. I need to know all the hardware and sofware required. Touba is about 200kms from Dakar the Capital of SENEGAL.It is raining to much in my country and I want to mapp eareas that are effected, by starting from the holy city of Touba. Many thanks for your answers. Cheers.