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I have a Lowrance handheld gps device and I need to download maps of Belgium and Spain. Will it work and how do I do it. I'm just a novice and don't understand most of the jargon.

asked 19 Nov '10, 14:14

RobnAnn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 21 Nov '10, 05:29

katpatuka's gravatar image


please tell us in detail what device you have, because it seems that there are different GPS devices of this brand.

The next point ist to find out what operation system is present on the device. Then we can give you more information.

(To provide more info, please edit your original question rather than putting it in an answer to your own question ...)

(19 Nov '10, 14:25) stephan75

My device is called Lowrance Endura Out and Back. I have no idea what operation system is on the device. How would i find this out?

(19 Nov '10, 14:37) RobnAnn

Some information about the used OS can be gathered by typing "lowrance" or "endura" in the search box (top right) at

(19 Nov '10, 15:42) stephan75

In the case that your device has an operating system like WindowsMobile, have a look at PNA and Windows_Mobile.

Maybe you have to find out how to get access to the level of the device where you can install other WindowsMobile applications.

Come to to ask when you have more detailed questions.

permanent link

answered 19 Nov '10, 15:47

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 19 Nov '10, 14:14

question was seen: 7,541 times

last updated: 21 Nov '10, 05:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum