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I'm wondering if there's any way to download 1,242 km² at a relatively high scale, perhaps 6800 or 14000? The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives would like to use such an image in an interactive display, that would toggle between a historic map from the late 1800s and the OSM data.

I'm presuming not many museums have publicly, permanently used OSM data, so I'm hoping the unique situation might attract some sympathy. I've read through some of the similar questions on this forum, and poked around some of the sites listed, but many require a download, which I can't do on my municipal computer. Also on this municipal computer, MapOSMatic's first tab doesn't seem to work.

The file being toggled with is 17099 x 22387 pixels, but it includes lots of periphery engravings, so the contemporary map wouldn't need to be that scale. And while I'm listing pixel dimensions, SVG/PDF would be fine as well.

Nick Moreau
Reprographics specialist
Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives

asked 24 Aug '12, 14:18

NickMoreau's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Aug '12, 14:20

Maybe this question can already help you:


You have to get familiar with the basics of OSM and how you can process the data to get a map.

More hints are at the OSM wiki and this FAQ site when you search for keywords like print, map, rendering, maperitive, tilemill, SVG, PDF and so on.

There are also some companies who offer commercial services with OSM data, see Commercial_OSM_Software_and_Services

Keep on asking if you get stuck somewhere ... add comments here.

permanent link

answered 25 Aug '12, 08:50

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 24 Aug '12, 14:18

question was seen: 3,729 times

last updated: 25 Aug '12, 08:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum